This post is about you, buddy!
This is how my Saturday starts..pre-9 am. Hanging in my branch myself for a minute because co-worker went to snag Starbucks. I open my e-mail & see an e-mail from Richard Davis.
Subject: "Fw: Employee Spotlight"
My first thought was an assumed "someone else sent this 'from Richard Davis' e-mail company wide" but when I open the e-mail, it starts off "Rachel - ….." Then I think, woah! That's pretty impressive technology the way they made this e-mail specific to me. (old school AIM %n stuff - whose with me?) Next thought - CRAP! It's spam! We got a message from "Jessica" the day before that was spam so, of course, this has to be some sort of spam follow up, right? Please, someone tell me Richard Davis didn't click the link!! I continue reading (why?? I really think my computer is going to melt or explode or something, because this can not be real)
"Rachel -- I wanted to send you a personal note of thanks and admiration."
I'm sorry, WHAT'S THAT NOW?! The e-mail goes on to mention that a name (I will not mention) sent in a very nice message about me..he referred to said individual as a "raving fan"! By paragraph 2, he was explaining how my raving fan had shared with him our tragic loss. He gave his condolences & some other really nice words. Now it's still pre-9 am & I am hysterically crying on the teller line, by myself. I can't seem to figure out if this is the biggest, most elaborate, awful prank someone has ever pulled or what!
Well, it wasn't a prank. It was 100% real. I got an e-mail specific to me, from the company's CEO. You know, the CEO of a bank who employs more than 61,000 people. NBD. It's not like he's got anything better to do than e-mail me on his Friday afternoon/evening. He does that all the time. I even call him "R-Dizzle" we are that tight.
NOT. Are you kidding me??!?!?!
Hands down one of thee coolest things I've ever had happen.
I've won a couple awards, been sent on a trip or two courtesy of US Bank. Whatever -- all great things that can keep a person engaged & motivated to perform with payouts & rewards like that. However, I will tell you…nothing, at all, compares in my opinion to the fact that the man who sits as CEO took the time to send ME a message giving his condolences & telling me he'll be praying for not only me, but Matt, Henry, & Evelyn?! Are you serious?! ("Are you SEEING this right now!?")
There really is no topping that.
So…to you, my raving fan. My thanks truly go to you. In my almost 8 years with the company, it is to my knowledge (& it's highly unlikely) that anyone else has ever done or ever will do again what you did. You did it on your own, with no expectation, & quite frankly, we both know you wanted to go under the radar on it. I appreciate the heck out of you! I may even "bring it in for the real thing" (a hug) the next time I see you. :)
And to my sweet baby Caleb, I see this all coming from you. I'd still give just about anything to have you here…but this is definitely one of those times where it hurts, but it helps. People in high places know about you, sweet boy! I love you, I love you, I love you. I wish you were here. Until I see you again…. <3